The functions of P&Cs are covered by legislation. P&Cs promote the interests of the school. They do this through:
Our P&C is very highly regarded for their organisation of fundraising and other benefits for the good of the school including assisting the school in building positive attitudes to school and improved parent engagement in our school.
Our P&Cs seeks voluntary contributions from parents of students at the school, and these are reflected in the contributions and charges schedule published by our school each year.
Parents are strongly encouraged to become involved with our P&C, even if you don't attend meetings there are always opportunities to help out with our fundraising ventures.
Wongan Hills DHS P&C have assisted the school emormously to provide an improved learning environment for your child with such projects as:
The P&C hold meetings once a Term. Minutes from these meetings can be found below.
Contact P&C Secretary -
2023 Committee:
President - Mr Peter Whitfield
Vice President - Ms Aleisha Coad
Secretary - Mrs Lorrice Richards
Treasurer - Mrs Georgie Sadler
Uniform Shop Coordinator - Mrs Melissa Whyte
Catering Coordinator -
2024 P&C Meeting Minutes:
Term 4
2023 P&C Meeting Minutes:
2022 P & C Meeting Minutes:
© Wongan Hills District High School