When your child enters school they bring with them differing knowledge, skills and values based on their previous experiences. Early childhood educators provide relevant learning opportunities for your child that take into account their diverse family, cultural, linguistic, school and community influences. At Wongan Hills District High School all students are seen as individuals and have their previous experiences taken into account. Our staff are very much aware of the differing developmental progress students will make during their Early Childhood years.
High quality programs focus on the importance of play, the role of adults and other children in supporting learning, the need for social interaction and the modelling of correct behaviour. Children learn in different ways and at different rates so it is important that the classroom environment allows for this. Young children need to be able to explore, experiment, discover, improvise, innovate, create, question, discuss and construct. Learning involves repeated opportunities with concrete materials, equipment and peers.
The Early Years Learning Framework has recently been revised and released as the national approved learning framework Belonging, Being and Becoming.
The Early Years Learning Framework describes the principles, practice and outcomes essential to support and enhance young children's learning from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school.
The 5 Learning Outcomes are designed to capture the integrated and complex learning and development of all children across the birth to 5 age range. The Learning Outcomes are:
• Children have a strong sense of identity
• Children are connected with and contribute to their world
• Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
• Children are confident and involved learners
• Children are effective communicators.
Wongan Hills District High School focuses on ensuring your children have the opportunity to develop the skills and understandings necessary to meet the challenges of the future. Within this focus, we aim to provide your child with a quality educational environment in which they feel safe to learn and to enjoy their schooling.
© Wongan Hills District High School