A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to our school. I am proud to be the Principal of Wongan Hills District High School and feel privileged to have your child at our school. 

At Wongan Hills DHS we reflect on our vision in a culture of PURSUING EXCELLENCE in everything we do. We hold high expectations of the children and young people in our care – as well as of ourselves and our colleagues. We reflect on our performance, seek feedback on how we can improve, and work together to support change. We strive to create a culture in which every student experiences a sense of belonging to the school community, of being known and understood as an individual; and of staff who care about every student’s overall progress and wellbeing. We want parents and carers to value education and support their child’s learning at school and at home, in partnership with school staff. We want all community members to be proud of our school and to work together in achieving the highest possible standard and best possible outcomes for all students. At Wongan Hills DHS we believe that every student matters every day and every minute matters, and through entwining a culture of high expectations with a culture of high care, every student will succeed. I look forward to working with all members of our school community so that we can provide the very best for your children. 


Fiona Yeats



© Wongan Hills District High School