Year 11 &12

At Wongan Hills DHS your child/ren have the opportunity to remain living at home and complete their Year 11 and 12 studies through the School of Isolated and Distance Education, called 'SIDE'.  This is a distance education based learning program and student's teachers are based in Perth. Students enrol in typical Year 11 and 12 subjects, and impressively, SIDE offers ATAR courses to support university entrance, general courses and a range of Certificate II level courses. Subjects should be chosen based on student aptitude, interest and intended career pathways. For most subjects students attend two online lessons a week with their Perth based teachers and spend the rest of that subject time working independently completing research, class work, essays and other assessments. Please note that there are a number of practical Certificate courses that are not available through SIDE. Students still have the option to enrol on Workplace Learning and that is usually completed locally. We have a dedicated classroom where our SIDE students are based and they are provided with more independence whilst still being provided with supervision by our Wongan Hills staff, our staff are always available to help students with their studies and do daily check ins with each student. Self motivation is critical for students to achieve their best outcomes through this style of learning.


Information on the courses and supports available through SIDE are available from School of Isolated and Distance Education (


The following resources provide more information to help parents understand and navigate the complexities of senior secondary schooling


Years 11 and 12 | Year 10 Information Handbook (

© Wongan Hills District High School