The following table is being provided to help clarify the specific aspects within the school that Karen Marshall and Lesa Simpson have responsibility for. Whilst they each have primary/secondary roles, most of their responsibilities are whole of school specific areas. The table only includes roles that relate directly to parents and students and does not include school specific roles in relation to leadership and management of staff. Please note that in the absence of one of the leadership team, any of Karen, Lesa or Fiona can respond to your concerns.
Karen Marshall Associate Principal Level 4 |
Lesa Simpson Deputy Principal Level 3 |
Key areas of responsibility: K – Year 10 curriculum and students at educational risk (academic) |
Key areas of responsibility: K – Year 12 student engagement (behaviour, wellbeing and pastoral care) |
Other areas of responsibility of relevance to parents and students: -Whole school IEPs -Differentiation (including learning support, extension and students with special educational needs) -School Psych case manager -PEAC -On Entry assessments -PAT testing -Yr 3 and 5 NAPLAN -Collaboration with our Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer) -Presentation Assembly -Community events -Carnival support (cross country and athletics) -Primary incursions -Allied Health (speech/occupational therapy) -NDIS parent support -Parent communication -Kindy and Yr 1 transition |
Other areas of responsibility of relevance to parents and students: -Whole school student services (including behaviour support, Zones, social/emotional wellbeing, pastoral care) -OLNA -Secondary student electives and timetabling -Student pathways and subject counselling -Secondary transition (yr 6 to Yr 7) -Year 11 and 12 coordinator (including SIDE enrolments and subject counselling) -Yr 7 and 9 NAPLAN -ICAS testing -CAMHS liaison -Student leadership -Assemblies, ANZAC Day -Carnival support (swimming) -Whole school excursions -CPFS liaison -Attendance -Parent communication -School promotion (Facebook) |
© Wongan Hills District High School